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The next CRCR test will be held on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at the Embassy Suites in Centennial. Please see the Events tab for more information.


Q. What is the CRCR exam?

A. The Colorado Realtime Certified Reporter Exam mirrors NCRA’s CRR exam with five minutes of dictation at 200 word per minute. It is designed to test basic realtime skills of working reporters as well as help State of Colorado judicial reporters be realtime certified per Colorado Chief Justice Directive 05-03, II, B(1).

Q. What is the appeal process if I disagree with grading?

A. All scores, including verified scores, are final. There is no appeal process.

Q. Is there a written test?

A. No.

Q. What is the format?

A. Two 5-minute Q&A two-voice tests dictated at 200 words per minute.

Q. Can I write the examination in all caps?

A. Yes, writing in all caps is preferred.

Q. Is the dictation live or recorded?

A. It is recorded.

Q. Who can take the exam?

A. Any CCRA member who has passed their RPR or CVR can take the test. If you are not a current member of CCRA, when you register for the test online, you can pay for a membership at that time.

Q. How many tests are given at each exam offering?

A. Two.

Q. How much does it cost?

A. Members in good standing: $150 for one test, $225 for two tests; Non-members: $270 for one test, $345 for two tests, which includes your membership dues for that year.

Q. How is “Member in Good Standing” defined?

A. Membership dues are payable as of March 1 of each year. Membership dues must be paid by March 15 of each year. Otherwise, the non-member testing fee will apply.

Q. How do I register to take the CRCR exam?

A. Registering online at

Q. Can I wait to register onsite on exam day?

A. No. The registration deadline is 10 days prior to the exam.

Q. Do I have to register for the seminars in order to take the CRCR exam?

A. No. However, CCRA MAY offer seminar discounts or MAY offer a reduction in the testing fee for reporters taking the test and attending the seminar.

Q. Will I receive confirmation of my exam registration?

A. A confirmation email with instructions will be sent prior to the exam. If you do not receive this confirmation email three days before the test, please contact the Chief Examiner immediately.

Q. What if I need to cancel my registration?

A. Should you need to cancel for any reason, you MUST contact the Chief Examiner three days prior to the exam. Should a sudden emergency arise the day of the test, test candidates may contact the Chief Examiner within one week of the test to request a voucher. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. In either case, no refunds will be given, but vouchers may be offered.

Q. What are the grading guidelines?

A. Tests will be graded using NCRA’s CRR “What Is An Error” guidelines, which can be found online at

Q. How many errors are allowed on the exam?

A. 96 percent accuracy is 38 errors, 94 percent accuracy is 56 errors. Only reporters passing with 96 percent accuracy will be able to use the CRCR designation. There will be no designation for reporters qualifying at 94 percent accuracy, but may use this score to show their managing reporter for proof they met the requirements of CJD 05-03, II, B(1).

Q. Will I receive a numerical score with my results?

A. No. However, you may request a numerical score by contacting the Chief Examiner. Tests will only be graded to 75 errors.

Q. How quickly will I receive my results?

A. Results will be emailed within three weeks.

Q. What MUST I bring to the exam site?

A. Your confirmation email, a picture ID, your writer or steno mask, computer, realtime software, the cable that connects your writer or steno mask to your computer, and a blank thumb drive to submit your PDF file. Please bring a power strip.



Q. Am I required to use a disk or paper in my writer for the exam?

A. No. If you have the ability to write diskless and/or paperless, you may do so. But please be aware that all removable test materials must be given to the proctor immediately following the examination, so be sure that nothing important is contained on these items. All such materials become the property of CCRA and contents will be destroyed. Back up all dictionaries and work files in your computer and writer before the test because you will be required to delete test material from all forms of memory at the test site.

Q. How is the exam administered?

A. After onsite check-in, you can set up in the testing room. Warm-up material will be available. The proctor then gives instructions. YOU WILL BE ASKED TO DISABLE MICROPHONES ON THE COMPUTER. The exam recording is then played. At the end of Test 2, you will be instructed to step away from your equipment. A proctor will invite you back to your seat, ask you to create a PDF of the test file and save it to your thumb drive, and instruct you to delete all test files from your computer and either reformat your writer disk and/or erase your writer’s memory. After giving your media to the proctor, you are free to leave.

Q. Is anyone allowed to help me during the exam?

A. No. The exam is designed to simulate the work environment, so you are not allowed to seek assistance with either setup or the creation of your PDF file. You may, however, utilize a cheat sheet with step-by-step instructions.

Q. Can I use a cheat sheet for briefs or special terms?

A. Yes.

Q. Is the CRCR certification subject to annual renewal requirements?

A. The CRCR Committee will do an annual review in April of every year to confirm all reporters with the CRCR certification are members in good standing with CCRA and their certifying national association (NCRA or NVRA). Please make sure your dues are paid on time to keep your CRCR designation.

Q. What is the CCRA liability policy?

A. Use of the candidate’s own equipment is strictly at the candidate’s own risk. Candidates should not expect instruction on how to operate their own or any on-site equipment. Neither the hosting site nor CCRA assumes responsibility should any equipment not perform properly, be dropped, stolen, knocked of a desk, etc. Administration of the test will not be delayed to accommodate equipment failure, accidental erasing of computing files, or forgotten items, (i.e., cables, power cords.)


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